Automobile Assembly Body Protector

During assembly, vehicle bodies must be protected from possible damages by assembly tooling and operator action, such as surface scratch and impact..

SUNRISE has speciallized in manufacturing car protectors/car shields/car covers used in assembly line, which can help to eliminate potential interferences during assembly process.

We can make automotive assembly body protects by working directly from 3D models and can design and create prototypes without having to visit site and can make it  directly from the models.

Due to it is customized products, special requirements can be added on the product such as velcro strip, logo, pocket for documents, project name, model, position, tools & RFID tag and so on.





汽车总装面漆防护罩是定制产品,因此可以根据客户需求定制,例如魔术贴条、logo、文件袋、项目名称、型号、位置、工具和 RFID 标签等。